New Skill From Browsing Of E-Learning & Online Choices

When I was down the gym recently I was so busy watching the youngster who was ‘in charge’, that I nearly fell off the treadmill!  I was aware of this rapid tapping, it was her long nails rapping the keys on her phone whilst updating her social media pages.  I was horrified at someone trying to ‘type’ with such talons.  I do lots of typing at home – on a keyboard rather than a typewriter – let’s face it, some things from the good old days really do need leaving behind!  I like to learn new skills and often browse online courses to see what’s new.  I found one for folk wanting to become reporters on local media.  This fascinated me – I used to do local reporting years ago and first requirement was rapid shorthand, swiftly followed by fast, accurate transcription of that shorthand.  This e-learning course actually offered training . . . .  now this is definitely in my line of fire for the new year!