From Little Acorns Come Huge Learning Steps

This is the time of year when we become reflective – literally looking back over the past 12 months, sometimes longer, and deciding whether our achievements are adequate, or need beefing up.   Some folk also look up their resolutions made last new year’s eve – mine were an interesting selection of travelling more, learning a new hobby, taking up a craft and maxing up my finances and investments.   Well, I managed to get to the next stage with my learning to play the piano.  Doing this with a tutor in person is more successful than online, but needs must . . . .    I can play a decent little tune or too and my sight reading is improving.  Check.  The knitting has come to fruition too.  I started again when poppies were needed for the Armistice events came round.  That reignited my enthusiasm and I found some great e-learning pages.   The financial online courses too have been extremely useful.  Check!