What Makes a Great E-Learning Course? Things to Look Out For!

Good E-Learning usually features at least some of the below items, demonstrating it’s awesomeness!

It grabs your attention – a good course will let you know what you’ll be doing and what you’ll get out of it, to inspire you to take the course

It makes you think – a good course will get you to really think properly and feature interesting questions

It is presented in small chunks – if you’ve done online courses before, you’ll know that a large block of text just turns you off!  A good course will be broken down into bite sized chunks for you to read easily.

It frequently checks your knowledge – this could be through little questions or quizzes, but a good course will periodically check you understand what you’ve just learnt, that way you know you’ve got it!

It tells stories – everyone loves a good story, and a great e-learning course will deliver information through relatable stories

They summarise information clearly and show you where to look for more information – being able to clearly sum up the key points is a great e-learning tool, and even better if they point you in the direction of further reading on the topic!