What Are The Main Benefits of E-Learning as An Educational Tool?

There’s no doubt that e-learning or online learning has changed the face of education!  We think it is a great way to get more people qualified and accredited.  Here are the main reason e-learning is such a booming subject.

  1. It is a quick way for students to learn, scalable to different organisations
  2. All learners have access to the same materials, and subjects can be covered thoroughly
  3. There is a high knowledge retention rate among e-learners – you can go back over topics if need be
  4. Save time and money!  There’s no travel costs and expensive tutors to pay for
  5. It’s possible to track leaning activities, ideal for monitoring your progress on a given topic
  6. Reduce your carbon footprint!  Online learning and testing cuts down on paper use which means less waste overall
  7. It’s flexible!  Online learning allows people who might not be able to get to face to face courses a chance to partake.  It also means you can work at your own pace, since there aren’t other people in a class to worry about