Training to Get Information

Elicitation is an effective way to gain knowledge and has multiple uses that can include including helping build a competitive advantage, conducting due diligence and getting to know your client when building relationships, getting investment reassurance or gaining a more informed understanding of any area of interest. The programs are also designed to help in building skills designed to improve the impact you have.

Influence and persuasion training workshops are facilitated by ex-members of the UK government, military and law enforcement. Elicitation and influencing skills are particularly useful if you are a business analyst whose main role is to implement organisational change. Part of the business analysis the analyst may carry out is to gather information and data from senior stakeholders to better understand the business requirements. Being able to elicit information out of these individuals are giving themselves more information and a better platform to work from when implementing the business change. The workshops are suitable for both the private and public sector and would benefit personnel.