There are thousands of online learning platforms out in the world these days. It can be utterly bewildering to the newbie or would-be student. How does one select a course and from which delivery platform. Obviously one must have a spirited surfing of the internet and try to narrow down our field of searching. Instead of just typing in learning courses, narrow it down to online learning courses in whichever subject or vocation is appropriate. Once the results fill the page before you, look carefully at the headings asnd subject lines. Don’t forget they all use cookies so if you want to minimise the amount of emailed traffic, do take precautions and not just accept cookies – do some refusing too! Another thing to watch is where the educator is based and what quality of certification and relevance will be supplied. How will this benefit your future plans – would paying a little more for another ‘brand’ actually pay dividends in the long run if you get a better, more recognised qualification of diploma out of your efforts? These are all very pertinent considerations when there is much at stake and so many providers wanting their little bit of your funding.